Welcome To Owl Class
Mr Phil Howell
Full Time
Mrs Catherin Terry
Teaching Partner
Mrs Balsdon-Joy
Teaching Partner
The final year…
Welcome to Year 6, the final chapter of Primary School! We endeavour to make the final year of Primary School as memorable as possible. Along with the exciting topics inside the classroom the children will also have access to our Forest School area at some point in the year. We hope to create lasting memories before the children head off to theirchosen Secondary School.
We spend the year securing the knowledge we have gained during our time at school and developing our responsibility to help become young role models for the rest of school as we undertake various jobs within our school environment that will help us as we embark on the next chapter in our life. We have great fun running Sports Day for our younger children, training as Restorative Stars and going on our summer residential trip to name but a few.
During the Summer term we work closely with your child’s chosen secondary school to help support you and your child with the process helping the exciting process run as smoothly as possible.
We hope you find the information below useful. If you have any questions please do contact us.
Class Video
How to Support at Home
Archived Information
Spring Term Overview and Letter