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Little Foxes Preschool, Breakfast and

After School Club

Little Foxes is our lovely purpose built building which houses both Breakfast and After School Club and our Preschool

during school hours. We were previously run by the Little Foxes Committee but become fully amalgamated with

The John Moore Primary School in September 2022.  Our building is fully accessible and we have a range of suitable play equipment. We have two classrooms each with their own designated outdoor play area. We also have access to the hall and outdoor provision at school. 

Message from our Early Years Lead, Manager of Little Foxes, SENDCo and DDSL for JMPS and Little Foxes

Mrs Bronwen Williams


'Thank you for choosing Little Foxes for your children to attend. We are really proud of our provision and the progress our children make with us. We have super staff who are dedicated to providing the best care quality care, support and learning. We allow our children to thrive at their own pace while being challenged to reach their full potential. 

We share the same core values as JMPS. Each child has the opportunity to Soar, Share, Strive and Sparkle in an creative and friendly environment where a positive attitude is modelled by all.'

Please see the following links for more information regarding After School Club or Preschool.

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